アイスネットワークが、「My first time」の第3弾の記事を上げてくれました。


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My first time
Brian Joubert: Quad
ブライアン・ジュベール: 4回転

During French nationals, at the end of 2000, I set a target to myself: I wanted to finish in the top seven at my first senior event.
2000年の終わり、全仏選手権の間に、僕は目標を定めた: 最初のシニアの大会でトップ7に入りたい。

The championships were held in Briançon, in the French Alps. I had not eaten the whole day of the free program. The six-minute warmup was great; the program itself was a complete disaster. I had never experienced such a catastrophe, and I never experienced one like it afterward. I ended in 14th place, so far from that seventh place I was battling for.
選手権はフレンチ・アルプスのブリアンソンで開催された。フリー・プログラムの日は何も食べていなかった。6分間練習は素晴らしかった; プログラムそのものは完璧に大惨事だったけど。僕はそんな大失敗をした経験は後にも先にもしたことが無かった。それまで7位のために戦ってきたのに、僕は14位で終わった。

Still, the French federation officials supported me and tried to cheer me up afterward. The next day, for some reason, I was asked to participate in the final gala, even though my ranking was so low. One of my good skating friends, Vincent Restencourt, had just won the bronze medal. In the middle of the gala, he told me, "Let's go! We're going to do a quad toe together!" Vincent had been the first French male skater to ever land a quad toe in a competition.
それでも、フランスの連盟の役員は僕を支えてくれて、そのあとも応援してくれようとしていた。その翌日、何らかの理由で、僕は順位はとても低かったのに最後のガラ(エキシビション)に参加することを頼まれた。僕のスケートの仲のいい友達、ヴァンサン・レステンクールは銅メダルを獲ったところだった。ガラの中程で、彼は僕に言った「レッツ・ゴー! 僕たちは一緒にクワド・トゥをやるぞ!」 ヴァンサンは、競技会で4回転を着地したフランス最初の男子スケーターだった。

I stared at him and told him, "You're crazy! That's impossible. I don't even practice it at home!"

He finally convinced me. That day I landed my first quad, which I had never even tried before. I even landed it three times in a row, as the French officials wanted me to try again and again. Then I was asked to try a quad flip, just to check. I nearly landed it.

I had failed so badly at the championship, but I was able to land [the quad] the very next day. That day may have been an eye-opener for many in attendance in Briançon, including myself!



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